Sunday, February 26, 2012

Moon Colony

Thousands of years ago, man had looked up at the moon with awe. Each culture had its own stories on its creation and meaning. None of them even imagined ever visiting such faraway sights.

As generations passed, more information was collected on the moon. Calendars were created based on its revolutions and wave tides could be based on the moon's distance. Still no one imagined going to the moon.

Still more generations passed, and finally in the 60's man had reached the moon. This venture soon became one of the most successful business in the world. At first only millionaires and presidents were the visitors. Then slowly ever so slowly, travel became cheaper and more affordable to the masses.

The nonexistent atmosphere was gradually filled up with the gases that support life on Earth, and cities were being built, thriving on the new metal reserves found deep in the planet. Countries were founded and small wars were waged, but never threatening to the moon's existence.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Samson and his Space Life

Samson, was an ordinary boy with an ordinary dream. Become an astronaut. Except this wasn't the 60's anymore. The year was 2201. These were the new ages, prosperous, rich beyond the dreams of any man. Society had achieved stability between nature and industry. Technology was soaring, and the space life was growing rapidly.

By this time all diseases had been eradicated, and famine was a thing of the past. Governments were at peace, and wars were unspoken of. Everyone had equal opportunities and the standard of living was amazing.

Mining outposts had been setup on Mars, and megatons of metals were being converted into new spaceships. On the Moon, multiple permanent colonies were the home to many millions.

Friday, February 24, 2012

New Posting Topics!!!

Hello once again my faithful followers!!!

Once again new decisions have appealed to my senses! Stories are always floating around somewhere in the empty space of my head, and finally gotten sick of their constant nagging. So I set out with dreamcatcher, found ideas that might be appealing.

Once I get a hold of the blogger website, I'll try organizing my stories a bit.

So see you at the next post!!!

Awesome Writing

Hello meager audience!!!!

I got a little bored one day and decided to do something kinda cool. Like, you eat stuff, and.... find something else to eat. But other than eating, I started raising some chickens  to harvest some eggs every day. To eat......

Five minutes later.

Sorry, was a little hungry, but ate an egg. Anyways continuing. I going to start writing some posts about life, and its pros and cons.